April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April is Oral and oropharyngeal cancer awareness month. For decades has been an annual increase in cases and there is no national screening policy or protocol. The 2 main causes of Oral cancer are tobacco and alcohol use and HPV 16 (human papillomavirus). 53,000...

Use your dental benefits before you lose them!

The end of the year is fast approaching – have you made the most of your dental benefits? It’s a good time to schedule your unmet dental needs… from cleaning to cavity fillings or complicated dental work. Don’t wait until it’s too late—call now to maximize...

Spring is Just Around the Corner

It’s time to start your spring cleaning and enjoy a healthy year ahead. Include a check-up on your dental needs today! Refer a friend!  Thank you for showing your confidence in us through the referral of your friends! Click to send a Referral Email  ...